When your normal “no special deal” adsense ads start running on your once great Web 2.0 website it’s time to quit. Everyone knows what happened to Digg over the past over the past year… and of course recently over the past few months Digg has been running adsense…. it’s not the custom branded adsense that Google provides to higher end sites. It’s the run of the mill, Google Branding adsense. The kind that you can find at any website.
In other words, the site completely lost it’s lustre.
It’s time to call it quits Digg, seriously it’s time to sell and redirect the domain name to something worth while.
The obituary for Digg would read as following:
Here stood a website that got in bed with Microsoft and caught an STD. There was no cure, because sponsored feeds, banning sites that were critical of the software company, were not above the table.
However the issue isn’t just focused on Digg. The issue overall is the entire “web 2.0″ concept.
Some of these companies are profitable and real, such as Facebook. Others however are… well…. still struggling with a business model.
The major criticism is that there is no such thing as Web 2.0 … calling these companies nothing more than just 1990′s startups using 2010′s technology. A common statement is “tell me the difference between Facebook Chat and ICQ” or “Online Social Networking was invented in 1995, I had a geocities page as well” and perhaps the most comical “Explain to me the difference between watching a Real Video Stream and watching a Youtube Stream”
Many of the arguments are valid.
What are your thoughts?
May 25, 2011
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