Rabu, 06 Juli 2011
Download cara memperindah Blog anda
Ada beberapa cara diantaranya memperindah penampilan blog anda...namun saya disini hanya memberikan beberapa cara diantaranya yang banyak dipake yaitu bisa didownload disini..semoga bermanfaat buat anda ...
Rabu, 29 Juni 2011
101 Tips Google Adsense
1. AdSense Earning = Impression-count x Click-though-rate x Cost-per-click x smart-pricing-factor.
2. Pengiraan impression berpandukan trafik sesebuah laman web. Ini bermakna berapa kali jumlah AdSense block dipaparkan.
3. Click-through-rate (CTR) adalah ratio clicks per impressions. Ia dalam lingkungan 0.1% hingga 30%, tetapi biasanya dalam lingkungan 1% hingga 10%.
4. Cost-per-click (CPC) adalah untung yang diperolehi untuk satu klik. Atau dengan kata lain CPC adalah nilai yang dibayar oleh advertisers untuk setiap klik atau juga jumlah publishers dapat untuk setiap klik.
5. Smart-pricing adalah cara AdSense untuk menentukan klik yang bernilai apabila diklik. Kalau klik pada laman web kita tidak memberikan apa-apa makna pada advertisers, cth: klik iklan yang tidak boleh membantu produk advertiser terjual, anda akan hanya dapat sedikit sahaja dari nilai CPC yang sepatutnya dapat.
6. Untuk memudahkan mendapatkan akaun Adsense, apply dari blogger.com.
7. Sebaik sahaja anda dapat AdSense publisher code, anda boleh letak di dalam mana-mana laman web tanpa perlu meminta kebenaran dari Google.
8. Baca berulang kali Google AdSense Program Policies dan Terms and Conditions.
9. JANGAN KLIK SENDIRI IKLAN di laman web anda ATAU MEMINTA KAWAN-KAWAN klik walaupun mereka menggunakan proxies yang berlainan.
10. Jangan guna click-bots.
11. Jangan mendorong pengunjung untuk klik pada iklan anda seperti “Click Here” dan sebagainya. Text yang boleh diterima oleh Google adalah “Sponsored Links” dan “Advertisements”.
12. Jangan letakkan competitor contextual ads dalam page yang sama dengan Adsense seperti: Yahoo Publisher Network, Clicksor. Non-contextual ads dibenarkan.
13. Jangan letak bahan-bahan yang tidak dibenarkan oleh Google seperti. adult sites, gambling sites, mp3, etc.
14. Jangan sesekali MENIPU AdSense. Google akan tahu juga akhirnya. Kalau tak sekarang, mungkin akan datang. Berhati-hati.
15. Melayari laman web sendiri tidak akan di banned. Cuma pastikan jangan klik iklan tersebut.
16.Walaupunbagaimanapun, jangan reload banyak kali laman web anda semata-semata nak dapatkan impressions yang tinggi. Anda boleh kena banned.
17. Jika anda mempunyai masalah dan ragu-ragu dengan laman web yang anda dirikan, contact sahaja AdSense team. Diaorang semua very helpful.
18. Cuba cari, pilih dan analisis high paying niche tanpa banyak competition.
19. Anda boleh cuba cari keyword yang higher paying dari http://www.cwire.org/highest-paying-search-terms
20. Guna Overture Bid Tool dan Search Engine Keyword Tool untuk cari keyword yang bersesuaian.
21. Anda boleh join AdWords dan bina mini campaign untuk membantu mendapatkan trafik. Ia boleh membantu anda untuk lebih memahami bagaimana AdSense berfungsi.
22. Letakkan targeted-keyword pada Page Title.
23. Ulang keyword di dalam isi kandungan.
24. Belajar HTML atau asas bina laman web
25. Letak simbol-simbol perkataan untuk penekanan keyword seperti bold, tanda seru, tanda koma, tanda ” dan lain-lain
26. Dapatkan nama domain yang mempunyai keyword yang dipilih.
27. Hantar laman web ke mana-mana direktori guna RSSsubmitter atau RSS Announcer dan sebagainya untuk membanyakkan backlink.
28. Hantar laman web ke search engines.
29. Bina dan hantar sitemaps ke Google Sitemap (sitemap.xml) dan Yahoo (urllist.txt). Guna SOFTplus GSiteCrawler.
30. Google bukan satu-satunya SE. Terdapat banyak lagi SE yang lain. Jadi cuba optimizekan laman web anda untuk SE yang lain.
31. Invest untuk isi kandungan yang fresh. Tulis ataupun upahlah mana-mana orang. Biasanya 1 page ikut saiz microsoft office kos nya dalam RM3. Minta student universiti yang teror english. Tak pun hentam pun takpe. Grammer tak penting.
32. Guna copyscape.com untuk mencari pencuri isi kandungan anda. Anda dah bayar mahal-mahal tapi orang lain curi. Jangan biarkan!!!
33. Artikel berbentuk marketing adalah yang terbaik untuk membawa pengunjung banyak datang ke laman web anda. Tulis dan hantar artikel ke article-submission sites. Masukkan short summary dan hyperlinks laman web anda di dalam ruangan author.
34. Jangan guna kaedah yang dilarang oleh Google untuk menarik pengunjung mengunjung laman web anda seperti, beli trafik, spyware, hidden-texts, page cloaking etc. Akaun adsense anda bukan sahaja di banned…tapi BOLEH TERUS DITERMINATE.
35. Pengunjung yang baru mempunyai peluang yang tinggi untuk klik pada iklan berbanding pengunjung yang berulang kali. Ia boleh membawa kepada jumlah CTR yang tinggi.
36. Pengunjung yang biasa masuk laman web anda pula lebih senang untuk recommend laman web anda pada yang lain. Boleh dapatkan pengunjung yang baru lebih banyak. Maknanya, jangan abai dua-dua.
37. Search engines adalah pintu masuk utama pengunjung datang. Belajarlah SEO sendiri dan dari mereka-mereka yang pakar. (saya tak pakar… tapi nak belajar tu..boleh je).
38. Jangan bina mirrors di mana laman web yang sama tapi URL lain-lain. Ia mengganggu SE ranking.
39. Untuk bina banyak laman web dengan earning yang rendah adalah lebih mudah berbanding sikit laman web tapi tinggi earningnya.
40. Forum boleh dapat impressions yang tinggi, tapi rendah CTR.
41. CTR bukanlah segala-galanya.. Kalau CTR anda tinggi tapi dapat rendah je earning, ini bermakna anda sudah kena smart pricing.
42. Ikut rekabentuk laman web yang mudah dan cari guideline bagaimana pembinaan yang terbaik. Elakkan kesalahan yang biiasa dilakukan di dalam rekabentuk.
43. Bantu pengunjung dengan membina capaian link dalam laman web dengan mudah. Kalau boleh biarlah link tersebut tidak keluar daripada laman web anda. Biar pengunjung terpusing-pusing di dalam laman web anda tetapi bukan terpusing sesat.
44. Guna Google Analytics untuk melihat statistik. Boleh guna Adsense Tracker. Ini dapat membantu anda optimize keyword dan tahu juga keyword yang dipilih benar-benar bagus.
45. Cara meletakkan iklan adalah penting dalam Google AdSense (Heatmap). Tempat yang terbaik adalah di sebalah atas isi kandungan utama laman web anda.
46. Laman web berbentuk Forum adalah berbeza tempat (Heatmap) untuk meletakkan iklan Google. Tempat yang terbaik untuk letak iklan Adsense dalam forum adalah di sebelah kiri panel selepas post yang pertama dan juga di bawah post yang akhir sebelum footer.
47. Forum adalah laman web interaktif. Berjaga-jaga dengan pengunjung yang datang.
48. Cuba guna 300×250 medium rectangle, 336×280 large rectangle, atau 160×600 wide skyscraper ad formats. Semua tu adalah AdSense ad formats yang terbaik.
49. Pilih warna iklan yang boleh blend dengan isi kandungan laman web..
50. Wrap iklan AdSense di sekitar isi kandungan.
51. Meletakkan imej di sebelah atau pun di atas iklan Adsense dapat meningkatkan CTR.
52. Guna channels untuk track performance format iklan yang pelbagai, warna iklan dan kedudukan iklan. Kalau nak bagus seperti yang saya katakan tadi, guna Adsense Tracker. (labur sikit duit..hehehe)
53. Letakkan sekali iklan yang mengandungi imej dan text. Google akan memilih iklan-iklan yang terbaik jika melakukan letakkan iklan seperti ini..
54. AdSense mungkin mempunyai iklan CPM (cost per thousand impressions) dan CPC (cost per click) , dan akan memilih salah satu yang mana difikirkan terbaik.
55. Kedua iklan samada imej atau text boleh menjadi samada CPM atau CPC.
56. Masukkan juga link unit ads. Ia boleh diletakkan di bottom line.
57. Cuba Google Search unit. Ia berguna kepada pengunjung jika diletakkan di bahagian bottom line.
58. Berusahalah untuk membina isi kandungan tidak kira menggunakan cara black hat atau whie hat dan promote laman web anda. Boleh beli buku 15 teknik efektif internet marketing…hahaha. Adsense bukanlah satu program untuk kaya cepat. Anda kena tahu teknik, kaedah, strategi di dalam SEO termasuk backlink, pagerank, social bookmarking, tag and ping dan pelbagai lagi.
59. Kalau boleh elakkan jalan keluar daripada laman web anda selain dari keluar melalui iklan Adsense selain dari klik ‘x’ (yang ni tak boleh buat apalah). Bina link yang masuk ke laman web anda agar pengunjung terpusing-pusing di dalam laman web anda sahaja. hehehe.
60. Cari “AdSense Tips” di Google. Banyak forum-forum dan juga mereka-mereka yang berjaya mempunyai banyak stratergi dan teknik di dalam optimisi Adsense. Nak tanya saya, kalau sempat bolelah jawab.
61. Adsense suka blog daripada laman web biasa.
62. Inside AdSense adalah official AdSense blog, di mana anda boleh tahu latest developments tentang AdSense.
63. Anda boleh bantu AdSense pulishers yang lain di AdSense Help Group dan anda dapat banyak pengalaman yang berguna.
64. Kalau anda serius di dalam buat duit dengan AdSense, anda perlu laburkan wang anda untuk membeli tools, web hosting dan juga domain. 1 laman web mana cukup.
65. Jangan letak banyak-banyak iklan Adsense dalam laman web. Cuba cari iklan yang mempunyai CTR yang tinggi dan buang iklan kalau CTRnya rendah. Klik yang sedikit pada iklan 1$ adalah lebih baik kalau banyak klik pada iklan 3 sen.
66. Lakukan eksperimen, eksperimen, dan eksperimen berulang kali. Anda tidak boleh stop di dalam mencuba new ad format.
67. Buang iklan “Advertise on this site” daripada iklan AdSense melainkan laman web anda sudah mempunyai purata pengunjung lebih 5000 orang sehari untuk menarik advertiser. Ini untuk mengelakkan laman web anda merupakan laman web MFA (made-for-adsense). Anda boleh disablekan di ruang setting dalam akaun Adsense.
68. Guna AdSense Preview Tool untuk mencuba iklan yang keluar di laman web anda. Anda boleh klik iklan ini kerana tiada charge dikenakan pada Adsense Advertiser.
69. AdSense menggunakan geo-location untuk memaparkan iklan iaitu iklan mengikut negara dan lokasi anda. Jadi iklan yang anda lihat tidak sama dengan iklan yang dilihat oleh mereka yang datang dari lokasi lain. Boleh guna AdSense Preview Tool untuk melihat iklan dari pelbagai lokasi.
70. Guna AdSense Competitive Ads Filter untuk membuang site yang tidak berguna. Laman web tersebut mungkin link farms, content theft, atau meta search engine.
71. Guna AdSense Competitive Ads Filter untuk membuang iklan yang tidak ada kena mengena.
72. AdsBlackList.com ada banyak senarai URL yang bagus. Boleh cuba.
73. Cuba variasi kan warna AdSense, format, kedudukan untuk lain-lain page laman web anda untuk memberikan sesuatu yang menarik pada pengunjung.
74. Belajar sedikit sebanyak CSS.
75. Jika anda meletakkan lebih dari satu Iklan Google, letakkan iklan Google yang biasa diklik. Pastikan ia adalah yang terawal muncul semasa pengunjung buka laman web anda. Kedudukan yang terawal muncul ini akan diletakkan dengan iklan yang mahal. Anda boleh lakukan semua ini dengan CSS.
76. Cuba letakkan isi kandungan dengan pelbagai topik dan subjek. Mana-mana topik yang boleh membawa kepada jumlah pengunjung yang ramai, banyakkan lagi artikel di dalam topik tersebut.
77. Jika anda menggunakan laman web dinamik, guna htaccess untuk memaparkannya sebagai static78. Sahkan laman web HTML dan CSS anda.
79. Bahagikan artikel yang panjang kepada artikel pendek. Ini dapat menjadikan pengunjung lebih lama dan expose lebih banyak laman web anda..
80. Pastikan setiap artikel hanya fokus dengan 1 topik.
81. Lihat statistik artikel yang diminati ramai dan cuba bina artikel yang mempunyai kesinambungan di bawah topik yang sama. Pengunjung akan ternanti-nanti artikel seterusnya dan akan masuk semula nanti.
82. Tulis banyak artikel di dalam topik yang dapat menarik ramai pengunjung.
83. Pengunjung AP atau Web-savvy kurang klik pada iklan Adsense.
84. BERSABARLAH. Anda memerlukan masa yang banyak untuk meningkat trafik anda dan juga melakukan optimasi.
85. Fikir jangka panjang Analisa apa yang diperlukan oleh pengunjung, berikan sesuatu yang berharga dan pengalaman yang baik pada pengunjung.
86. Pertimbangkan untuk beli banyak web hosting untuk bina banyak laman web. Anda kena labur untuk dapatkan lebih banyak untung. Treat bussines as bussiness.
87. Selalulah lihat jumlah Adsense yang diperolehi. Anda boleh beritahu Adsense Team jika terjumpa sesuatu yang mencurigakan dengan jumlah Adsense yang anda dapat. Ramai yang dengki dengan anda dan akan cuba sabotaj dengan klik banyak2 pada iklan di dalam laman web anda. Jangan dedahkan laman web kepunyaan anda.
88. Guna Google AdSense section targeting untuk membantu mendapatkan iklan yang related.
89. Guna AdSense Alternate Ads jika Adsense tidak dapat memberikan iklan yang related.
90. Guna warna iklan secara pusingan. Ia dapat menjadikan pengunjung anda tidak perasan link yang ada di laman web anda merupakan iklan Adsense.
91. Cuba juga rangkaiancontextual advertising yang lain. Yahoo Publisher Network, Clicksor, Bidvertising, etc. Cuma pastikan JANGAN LETAK SEKALI DENGAN ADSENSE.
92. Anda boleh letak iklan clickbank, amazon, atau mana-mana iklan affiliate di dalam satu laman web dengan iklan AdSense. Anda juga boleh letak rangkaian advertising yang lain selagi ia bukan iklan berbentuk contextual ads. Cuba Chitika, dan disablekan contextual ads option.
93. Jika anda tidak mematuhi Terms and Conditions, akaun AdSense anda akan dibanned dan lebih buruk nama anda juga dibanned..
94. Jika anda tidak melakukan apa-apa kesalahan tetapi akaun Adsense anda di disabledkan, cuba tulis email kepada Adsense Team dengan sopan dan professional. Cuba berikan bukti-bukti yang anda tidak salah seperti server log anda dan sebagainya.
95. Sebarkan link laman web anda. Lakukan viral marketing.
96. Promosi artikel anda di dalam social bookmarking seperti del.icio.us, digg, reddit untuk permulaan yang boleh dikatakan baik.
97. Sediakan ruang “Email a Friend” kepada pengunjung untuk mendapatkan lebih trafik.
98. Biasakan diri anda dengan laporan AdSense earning. Ia dapat membantu anda untuk mengetahui dari mana datangnya duit yang anda dapat dan lakukan optimasi. Adsense Tracker pun bagus.
99. Tawarkan newsletters Pada pengunjung. Ia beri peluang kepada pengunjung untuk datang semula.
100. Layari AdSense support page, Semua informasi tentang Adsense terdapat di sana.
101. Belajar dari google center terus menerus
2. Pengiraan impression berpandukan trafik sesebuah laman web. Ini bermakna berapa kali jumlah AdSense block dipaparkan.
3. Click-through-rate (CTR) adalah ratio clicks per impressions. Ia dalam lingkungan 0.1% hingga 30%, tetapi biasanya dalam lingkungan 1% hingga 10%.
4. Cost-per-click (CPC) adalah untung yang diperolehi untuk satu klik. Atau dengan kata lain CPC adalah nilai yang dibayar oleh advertisers untuk setiap klik atau juga jumlah publishers dapat untuk setiap klik.
5. Smart-pricing adalah cara AdSense untuk menentukan klik yang bernilai apabila diklik. Kalau klik pada laman web kita tidak memberikan apa-apa makna pada advertisers, cth: klik iklan yang tidak boleh membantu produk advertiser terjual, anda akan hanya dapat sedikit sahaja dari nilai CPC yang sepatutnya dapat.
6. Untuk memudahkan mendapatkan akaun Adsense, apply dari blogger.com.
7. Sebaik sahaja anda dapat AdSense publisher code, anda boleh letak di dalam mana-mana laman web tanpa perlu meminta kebenaran dari Google.
8. Baca berulang kali Google AdSense Program Policies dan Terms and Conditions.
9. JANGAN KLIK SENDIRI IKLAN di laman web anda ATAU MEMINTA KAWAN-KAWAN klik walaupun mereka menggunakan proxies yang berlainan.
10. Jangan guna click-bots.
11. Jangan mendorong pengunjung untuk klik pada iklan anda seperti “Click Here” dan sebagainya. Text yang boleh diterima oleh Google adalah “Sponsored Links” dan “Advertisements”.
12. Jangan letakkan competitor contextual ads dalam page yang sama dengan Adsense seperti: Yahoo Publisher Network, Clicksor. Non-contextual ads dibenarkan.
13. Jangan letak bahan-bahan yang tidak dibenarkan oleh Google seperti. adult sites, gambling sites, mp3, etc.
14. Jangan sesekali MENIPU AdSense. Google akan tahu juga akhirnya. Kalau tak sekarang, mungkin akan datang. Berhati-hati.
15. Melayari laman web sendiri tidak akan di banned. Cuma pastikan jangan klik iklan tersebut.
16.Walaupunbagaimanapun, jangan reload banyak kali laman web anda semata-semata nak dapatkan impressions yang tinggi. Anda boleh kena banned.
17. Jika anda mempunyai masalah dan ragu-ragu dengan laman web yang anda dirikan, contact sahaja AdSense team. Diaorang semua very helpful.
18. Cuba cari, pilih dan analisis high paying niche tanpa banyak competition.
19. Anda boleh cuba cari keyword yang higher paying dari http://www.cwire.org/highest-paying-search-terms
20. Guna Overture Bid Tool dan Search Engine Keyword Tool untuk cari keyword yang bersesuaian.
21. Anda boleh join AdWords dan bina mini campaign untuk membantu mendapatkan trafik. Ia boleh membantu anda untuk lebih memahami bagaimana AdSense berfungsi.
22. Letakkan targeted-keyword pada Page Title.
23. Ulang keyword di dalam isi kandungan.
24. Belajar HTML atau asas bina laman web
25. Letak simbol-simbol perkataan untuk penekanan keyword seperti bold, tanda seru, tanda koma, tanda ” dan lain-lain
26. Dapatkan nama domain yang mempunyai keyword yang dipilih.
27. Hantar laman web ke mana-mana direktori guna RSSsubmitter atau RSS Announcer dan sebagainya untuk membanyakkan backlink.
28. Hantar laman web ke search engines.
29. Bina dan hantar sitemaps ke Google Sitemap (sitemap.xml) dan Yahoo (urllist.txt). Guna SOFTplus GSiteCrawler.
30. Google bukan satu-satunya SE. Terdapat banyak lagi SE yang lain. Jadi cuba optimizekan laman web anda untuk SE yang lain.
31. Invest untuk isi kandungan yang fresh. Tulis ataupun upahlah mana-mana orang. Biasanya 1 page ikut saiz microsoft office kos nya dalam RM3. Minta student universiti yang teror english. Tak pun hentam pun takpe. Grammer tak penting.
32. Guna copyscape.com untuk mencari pencuri isi kandungan anda. Anda dah bayar mahal-mahal tapi orang lain curi. Jangan biarkan!!!
33. Artikel berbentuk marketing adalah yang terbaik untuk membawa pengunjung banyak datang ke laman web anda. Tulis dan hantar artikel ke article-submission sites. Masukkan short summary dan hyperlinks laman web anda di dalam ruangan author.
34. Jangan guna kaedah yang dilarang oleh Google untuk menarik pengunjung mengunjung laman web anda seperti, beli trafik, spyware, hidden-texts, page cloaking etc. Akaun adsense anda bukan sahaja di banned…tapi BOLEH TERUS DITERMINATE.
35. Pengunjung yang baru mempunyai peluang yang tinggi untuk klik pada iklan berbanding pengunjung yang berulang kali. Ia boleh membawa kepada jumlah CTR yang tinggi.
36. Pengunjung yang biasa masuk laman web anda pula lebih senang untuk recommend laman web anda pada yang lain. Boleh dapatkan pengunjung yang baru lebih banyak. Maknanya, jangan abai dua-dua.
37. Search engines adalah pintu masuk utama pengunjung datang. Belajarlah SEO sendiri dan dari mereka-mereka yang pakar. (saya tak pakar… tapi nak belajar tu..boleh je).
38. Jangan bina mirrors di mana laman web yang sama tapi URL lain-lain. Ia mengganggu SE ranking.
39. Untuk bina banyak laman web dengan earning yang rendah adalah lebih mudah berbanding sikit laman web tapi tinggi earningnya.
40. Forum boleh dapat impressions yang tinggi, tapi rendah CTR.
41. CTR bukanlah segala-galanya.. Kalau CTR anda tinggi tapi dapat rendah je earning, ini bermakna anda sudah kena smart pricing.
42. Ikut rekabentuk laman web yang mudah dan cari guideline bagaimana pembinaan yang terbaik. Elakkan kesalahan yang biiasa dilakukan di dalam rekabentuk.
43. Bantu pengunjung dengan membina capaian link dalam laman web dengan mudah. Kalau boleh biarlah link tersebut tidak keluar daripada laman web anda. Biar pengunjung terpusing-pusing di dalam laman web anda tetapi bukan terpusing sesat.
44. Guna Google Analytics untuk melihat statistik. Boleh guna Adsense Tracker. Ini dapat membantu anda optimize keyword dan tahu juga keyword yang dipilih benar-benar bagus.
45. Cara meletakkan iklan adalah penting dalam Google AdSense (Heatmap). Tempat yang terbaik adalah di sebalah atas isi kandungan utama laman web anda.
46. Laman web berbentuk Forum adalah berbeza tempat (Heatmap) untuk meletakkan iklan Google. Tempat yang terbaik untuk letak iklan Adsense dalam forum adalah di sebelah kiri panel selepas post yang pertama dan juga di bawah post yang akhir sebelum footer.
47. Forum adalah laman web interaktif. Berjaga-jaga dengan pengunjung yang datang.
48. Cuba guna 300×250 medium rectangle, 336×280 large rectangle, atau 160×600 wide skyscraper ad formats. Semua tu adalah AdSense ad formats yang terbaik.
49. Pilih warna iklan yang boleh blend dengan isi kandungan laman web..
50. Wrap iklan AdSense di sekitar isi kandungan.
51. Meletakkan imej di sebelah atau pun di atas iklan Adsense dapat meningkatkan CTR.
52. Guna channels untuk track performance format iklan yang pelbagai, warna iklan dan kedudukan iklan. Kalau nak bagus seperti yang saya katakan tadi, guna Adsense Tracker. (labur sikit duit..hehehe)
53. Letakkan sekali iklan yang mengandungi imej dan text. Google akan memilih iklan-iklan yang terbaik jika melakukan letakkan iklan seperti ini..
54. AdSense mungkin mempunyai iklan CPM (cost per thousand impressions) dan CPC (cost per click) , dan akan memilih salah satu yang mana difikirkan terbaik.
55. Kedua iklan samada imej atau text boleh menjadi samada CPM atau CPC.
56. Masukkan juga link unit ads. Ia boleh diletakkan di bottom line.
57. Cuba Google Search unit. Ia berguna kepada pengunjung jika diletakkan di bahagian bottom line.
58. Berusahalah untuk membina isi kandungan tidak kira menggunakan cara black hat atau whie hat dan promote laman web anda. Boleh beli buku 15 teknik efektif internet marketing…hahaha. Adsense bukanlah satu program untuk kaya cepat. Anda kena tahu teknik, kaedah, strategi di dalam SEO termasuk backlink, pagerank, social bookmarking, tag and ping dan pelbagai lagi.
59. Kalau boleh elakkan jalan keluar daripada laman web anda selain dari keluar melalui iklan Adsense selain dari klik ‘x’ (yang ni tak boleh buat apalah). Bina link yang masuk ke laman web anda agar pengunjung terpusing-pusing di dalam laman web anda sahaja. hehehe.
60. Cari “AdSense Tips” di Google. Banyak forum-forum dan juga mereka-mereka yang berjaya mempunyai banyak stratergi dan teknik di dalam optimisi Adsense. Nak tanya saya, kalau sempat bolelah jawab.
61. Adsense suka blog daripada laman web biasa.
62. Inside AdSense adalah official AdSense blog, di mana anda boleh tahu latest developments tentang AdSense.
63. Anda boleh bantu AdSense pulishers yang lain di AdSense Help Group dan anda dapat banyak pengalaman yang berguna.
64. Kalau anda serius di dalam buat duit dengan AdSense, anda perlu laburkan wang anda untuk membeli tools, web hosting dan juga domain. 1 laman web mana cukup.
65. Jangan letak banyak-banyak iklan Adsense dalam laman web. Cuba cari iklan yang mempunyai CTR yang tinggi dan buang iklan kalau CTRnya rendah. Klik yang sedikit pada iklan 1$ adalah lebih baik kalau banyak klik pada iklan 3 sen.
66. Lakukan eksperimen, eksperimen, dan eksperimen berulang kali. Anda tidak boleh stop di dalam mencuba new ad format.
67. Buang iklan “Advertise on this site” daripada iklan AdSense melainkan laman web anda sudah mempunyai purata pengunjung lebih 5000 orang sehari untuk menarik advertiser. Ini untuk mengelakkan laman web anda merupakan laman web MFA (made-for-adsense). Anda boleh disablekan di ruang setting dalam akaun Adsense.
68. Guna AdSense Preview Tool untuk mencuba iklan yang keluar di laman web anda. Anda boleh klik iklan ini kerana tiada charge dikenakan pada Adsense Advertiser.
69. AdSense menggunakan geo-location untuk memaparkan iklan iaitu iklan mengikut negara dan lokasi anda. Jadi iklan yang anda lihat tidak sama dengan iklan yang dilihat oleh mereka yang datang dari lokasi lain. Boleh guna AdSense Preview Tool untuk melihat iklan dari pelbagai lokasi.
70. Guna AdSense Competitive Ads Filter untuk membuang site yang tidak berguna. Laman web tersebut mungkin link farms, content theft, atau meta search engine.
71. Guna AdSense Competitive Ads Filter untuk membuang iklan yang tidak ada kena mengena.
72. AdsBlackList.com ada banyak senarai URL yang bagus. Boleh cuba.
73. Cuba variasi kan warna AdSense, format, kedudukan untuk lain-lain page laman web anda untuk memberikan sesuatu yang menarik pada pengunjung.
74. Belajar sedikit sebanyak CSS.
75. Jika anda meletakkan lebih dari satu Iklan Google, letakkan iklan Google yang biasa diklik. Pastikan ia adalah yang terawal muncul semasa pengunjung buka laman web anda. Kedudukan yang terawal muncul ini akan diletakkan dengan iklan yang mahal. Anda boleh lakukan semua ini dengan CSS.
76. Cuba letakkan isi kandungan dengan pelbagai topik dan subjek. Mana-mana topik yang boleh membawa kepada jumlah pengunjung yang ramai, banyakkan lagi artikel di dalam topik tersebut.
77. Jika anda menggunakan laman web dinamik, guna htaccess untuk memaparkannya sebagai static78. Sahkan laman web HTML dan CSS anda.
79. Bahagikan artikel yang panjang kepada artikel pendek. Ini dapat menjadikan pengunjung lebih lama dan expose lebih banyak laman web anda..
80. Pastikan setiap artikel hanya fokus dengan 1 topik.
81. Lihat statistik artikel yang diminati ramai dan cuba bina artikel yang mempunyai kesinambungan di bawah topik yang sama. Pengunjung akan ternanti-nanti artikel seterusnya dan akan masuk semula nanti.
82. Tulis banyak artikel di dalam topik yang dapat menarik ramai pengunjung.
83. Pengunjung AP atau Web-savvy kurang klik pada iklan Adsense.
84. BERSABARLAH. Anda memerlukan masa yang banyak untuk meningkat trafik anda dan juga melakukan optimasi.
85. Fikir jangka panjang Analisa apa yang diperlukan oleh pengunjung, berikan sesuatu yang berharga dan pengalaman yang baik pada pengunjung.
86. Pertimbangkan untuk beli banyak web hosting untuk bina banyak laman web. Anda kena labur untuk dapatkan lebih banyak untung. Treat bussines as bussiness.
87. Selalulah lihat jumlah Adsense yang diperolehi. Anda boleh beritahu Adsense Team jika terjumpa sesuatu yang mencurigakan dengan jumlah Adsense yang anda dapat. Ramai yang dengki dengan anda dan akan cuba sabotaj dengan klik banyak2 pada iklan di dalam laman web anda. Jangan dedahkan laman web kepunyaan anda.
88. Guna Google AdSense section targeting untuk membantu mendapatkan iklan yang related.
89. Guna AdSense Alternate Ads jika Adsense tidak dapat memberikan iklan yang related.
90. Guna warna iklan secara pusingan. Ia dapat menjadikan pengunjung anda tidak perasan link yang ada di laman web anda merupakan iklan Adsense.
91. Cuba juga rangkaiancontextual advertising yang lain. Yahoo Publisher Network, Clicksor, Bidvertising, etc. Cuma pastikan JANGAN LETAK SEKALI DENGAN ADSENSE.
92. Anda boleh letak iklan clickbank, amazon, atau mana-mana iklan affiliate di dalam satu laman web dengan iklan AdSense. Anda juga boleh letak rangkaian advertising yang lain selagi ia bukan iklan berbentuk contextual ads. Cuba Chitika, dan disablekan contextual ads option.
93. Jika anda tidak mematuhi Terms and Conditions, akaun AdSense anda akan dibanned dan lebih buruk nama anda juga dibanned..
94. Jika anda tidak melakukan apa-apa kesalahan tetapi akaun Adsense anda di disabledkan, cuba tulis email kepada Adsense Team dengan sopan dan professional. Cuba berikan bukti-bukti yang anda tidak salah seperti server log anda dan sebagainya.
95. Sebarkan link laman web anda. Lakukan viral marketing.
96. Promosi artikel anda di dalam social bookmarking seperti del.icio.us, digg, reddit untuk permulaan yang boleh dikatakan baik.
97. Sediakan ruang “Email a Friend” kepada pengunjung untuk mendapatkan lebih trafik.
98. Biasakan diri anda dengan laporan AdSense earning. Ia dapat membantu anda untuk mengetahui dari mana datangnya duit yang anda dapat dan lakukan optimasi. Adsense Tracker pun bagus.
99. Tawarkan newsletters Pada pengunjung. Ia beri peluang kepada pengunjung untuk datang semula.
100. Layari AdSense support page, Semua informasi tentang Adsense terdapat di sana.
101. Belajar dari google center terus menerus
Senin, 27 Juni 2011
Tips Membuat Internal Link Otomatis di Blogger
Tips Membuat Internal Link Otomatis di Blogger ini cukup simple dan mudah, kita tidak perlu menambahkan plugin-plugin pihak ke 3. Cukup satu baris kode bawaan dari blogspot saja yang dibutuhkan dan otomatis internal link akan tercipta pada masing-masing artikel
Gunanya internal link buat apa?
Simple aja! untuk meningkatkan SEO... Lebih lanjut soal penjelasan internal link bisa agan lihat di wikipedia
Cara kerja Internal Link Otomatis gimana?
Setelah baris kode tersebut kita tambahkan! secara otomatis akan membuat link pada SETIAP ARTIKEL dan anchor text yang tercipta-pun sesuai dengan judul artikel masing-masing
Letak atau penempatan Internal Link otomatis dimana?
Nah untuk yang satu ini, penempatananya bukan pada isi konten dengan kata lain! terserah agan deh :D Hemat saya letakan kode tersebut tepat di bawah kontent. Okeh, lebih detailnya langsung ajah strategi blogging kasih contoh penampakannya
Tips Membuat Internal Link Otomatis di Blogger
Kalo udah clear sekarang bagian mengintip sumber kode Membuat Internal Link Otomatis di Blogger
1. Seperti biasa login blogger > design > edit HTML > lalu centang Expand Widget Templates
2. Cari kode
3. Masukan kode Internal Link Otomatis dibawah kode diatas
Thanks for reading:
4. Simpan
5. Buka artikel anda dan lihat hasilnya
Mudah bukan! ada baiknya anda mengkreasikan dengan mengganti tulisan "thanks for reading" diatas sesuai dengan keinginan anda
Note: Tips ini hanya membentuk link pada satu artikel saja jadi kalau kita ingin menghubungkan artikel satu dengan yang lainnya gunakan cara manual :D tapi kalo bro n sis udah tahu caranya! monggo di share okehh
Oh iya, untuk seo keberadaan internal link dan backlink cukup penting. Nah kalo bagian internal link salah satunya yang sedang agan baca ini sedangkan artikel seputar backlink gratis bisa agan lihat diartikel sebelumnya yaitu Cara Instan Mendapatkan 750 Backlink Gratis
Semoga artikel Tips Membuat Internal Link Otomatis di Blogger ini bisa bermanfaat. Happy blogging
Gunanya internal link buat apa?
Simple aja! untuk meningkatkan SEO... Lebih lanjut soal penjelasan internal link bisa agan lihat di wikipedia
Cara kerja Internal Link Otomatis gimana?
Setelah baris kode tersebut kita tambahkan! secara otomatis akan membuat link pada SETIAP ARTIKEL dan anchor text yang tercipta-pun sesuai dengan judul artikel masing-masing
Letak atau penempatan Internal Link otomatis dimana?
Nah untuk yang satu ini, penempatananya bukan pada isi konten dengan kata lain! terserah agan deh :D Hemat saya letakan kode tersebut tepat di bawah kontent. Okeh, lebih detailnya langsung ajah strategi blogging kasih contoh penampakannya
Tips Membuat Internal Link Otomatis di Blogger
Kalo udah clear sekarang bagian mengintip sumber kode Membuat Internal Link Otomatis di Blogger
1. Seperti biasa login blogger > design > edit HTML > lalu centang Expand Widget Templates
2. Cari kode
3. Masukan kode Internal Link Otomatis dibawah kode diatas
Thanks for reading:
4. Simpan
5. Buka artikel anda dan lihat hasilnya
Mudah bukan! ada baiknya anda mengkreasikan dengan mengganti tulisan "thanks for reading" diatas sesuai dengan keinginan anda
Note: Tips ini hanya membentuk link pada satu artikel saja jadi kalau kita ingin menghubungkan artikel satu dengan yang lainnya gunakan cara manual :D tapi kalo bro n sis udah tahu caranya! monggo di share okehh
Oh iya, untuk seo keberadaan internal link dan backlink cukup penting. Nah kalo bagian internal link salah satunya yang sedang agan baca ini sedangkan artikel seputar backlink gratis bisa agan lihat diartikel sebelumnya yaitu Cara Instan Mendapatkan 750 Backlink Gratis
Semoga artikel Tips Membuat Internal Link Otomatis di Blogger ini bisa bermanfaat. Happy blogging
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By ID Creative (Dedi Hartono) on Minggu, April 17
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Terlihat perbedaan speed downloadnya kan ?? so.. tunggu apa lagi.
By ID Creative (Dedi Hartono) on Minggu, April 17
How to Make Prawn Crackers Khas Cirebon
In my post this time, I will try to discuss on how to easily create a typical shrimp crackers Cirebon, because I myself am native of Cirebon hehe ... why did I choose cirebon? in addition to the city where I was born, there are unique natural wealth once in Cirebon is an abundance of wealth in the form of marine shrimp one of them, in addition to other natural areas in the city dubbed the city this shrimp.
As a first step we have to prepare the course materials - material first, what are the necessary ingredients in the manufacture of a typical shrimp crackers cirebon this? pretty easy anyway, namely:
1. Tapioca / cassava starch: 2 ½ kg
2. Wheat flour: 2 ½ kg
3. Shrimp that has been thrown head
and the skin: 1 kg
4. Salt: 2 ounces
5. Clean water: 10 liters
6. Garlic: ½ ounce
7. Moto / MSG: ½ ounce
8. Bleng: 1 ounce
How to make it really easy that is:
1. Salt and garlic mashed with a finely ground path.
2. Shrimp that has been thrown head and his skin is washed clean by the collision continues along crushed garlic and salt until smooth was correct.
3. Potions b above, the motto / MSG and Bleng rolled into one and then mixed with 10 liters of water until it all really - really late.
4. Tapioca / cassava starch and flour rolled into one and then mixed with a solution of c. The trick is stirred batter - stir by hand with a squeeze - squeeze and hold (of course, hands must be clean ya ... hehe ...) perhaps there is tapioca starch / cassava starch or flour that has not been destroyed.
5. The dough is put into a thick plastic bag (plastic the size of ¼ kg) was then tied with a strong rubber, if you've collected many continue to boil with boiling water about 1 ½ hours.
After we cooked drain and peel the plastic (ket: for example, we peeled the evening, morning can already sliced - iris. Or if you peel the morning, a material that has been cooked crackers we had more or less dry in the sun soon dried them and inverted ½ days - behind so that no water (doormat ).
6. Then the last one we slice - thin slices with a thin, sharp knife and served until completely dried - completely dry. If you would trade a plastic insert fitted into a label according to the tastes or needs.
Shrimp crackers that had been done above is among the most delicious (number 1) If you want to earn greater profits we make the quality of the chips that MERCHANTABILITY qualified No. 2 with the recipe as above just do not have coupled with shrimp as without wearing udangpun already good taste because the garlic and motto / vetsinnya also been made was delicious and savory crackers.
Similarly, how to make prawn crackers typical Cirebon, may be useful for readers of my web and can be used as material to make your own business or home industry in particular from material that is typical of Cirebon. In the next post I will talk more about other home industry, may be useful. Greetings from the author: Isa "Mahesa" Maulana.by jokarwilis
As a first step we have to prepare the course materials - material first, what are the necessary ingredients in the manufacture of a typical shrimp crackers cirebon this? pretty easy anyway, namely:
1. Tapioca / cassava starch: 2 ½ kg
2. Wheat flour: 2 ½ kg
3. Shrimp that has been thrown head
and the skin: 1 kg
4. Salt: 2 ounces
5. Clean water: 10 liters
6. Garlic: ½ ounce
7. Moto / MSG: ½ ounce
8. Bleng: 1 ounce
How to make it really easy that is:
1. Salt and garlic mashed with a finely ground path.
2. Shrimp that has been thrown head and his skin is washed clean by the collision continues along crushed garlic and salt until smooth was correct.
3. Potions b above, the motto / MSG and Bleng rolled into one and then mixed with 10 liters of water until it all really - really late.
4. Tapioca / cassava starch and flour rolled into one and then mixed with a solution of c. The trick is stirred batter - stir by hand with a squeeze - squeeze and hold (of course, hands must be clean ya ... hehe ...) perhaps there is tapioca starch / cassava starch or flour that has not been destroyed.
5. The dough is put into a thick plastic bag (plastic the size of ¼ kg) was then tied with a strong rubber, if you've collected many continue to boil with boiling water about 1 ½ hours.
After we cooked drain and peel the plastic (ket: for example, we peeled the evening, morning can already sliced - iris. Or if you peel the morning, a material that has been cooked crackers we had more or less dry in the sun soon dried them and inverted ½ days - behind so that no water (doormat ).
6. Then the last one we slice - thin slices with a thin, sharp knife and served until completely dried - completely dry. If you would trade a plastic insert fitted into a label according to the tastes or needs.
Shrimp crackers that had been done above is among the most delicious (number 1) If you want to earn greater profits we make the quality of the chips that MERCHANTABILITY qualified No. 2 with the recipe as above just do not have coupled with shrimp as without wearing udangpun already good taste because the garlic and motto / vetsinnya also been made was delicious and savory crackers.
Similarly, how to make prawn crackers typical Cirebon, may be useful for readers of my web and can be used as material to make your own business or home industry in particular from material that is typical of Cirebon. In the next post I will talk more about other home industry, may be useful. Greetings from the author: Isa "Mahesa" Maulana.by jokarwilis
Rabu, 22 Juni 2011
Adsense for Mobile Available in Indonesia
It's sound good for Indonesian publishers as Adsense for Mobile version now comes and available in Indonesia. it is said in adsense blog that Google excited to announce the launch of AdSense for mobile content in 15 new countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Slovenia, Thailand, and Turkey.
AdSense for mobile content allows publishers to generate earnings from their mobile webpages using targeted Google ads. Just like AdSense for content, Google matches ads to the content of your site -- in this case, your mobile site. You'll earn money whenever visitors to your mobile site click on the ads they see.
For mobile websites, AdSense will automatically detect the type of phone viewing your site and deliver ads to match. For example, if someone views your site through an iPhone, we'll deliver ads specifically designed for high-end phones.
Please note that AdSense for mobile content ad units may be used in mobile websites only, not in mobile applications -- our policies don't permit placement of AdSense for mobile content ads in a mobile application. If you’re looking for an advertising solution for your mobile application, sign up for AdMob, Google’s leading mobile advertising display product.
AdSense for mobile content allows publishers to generate earnings from their mobile webpages using targeted Google ads. Just like AdSense for content, Google matches ads to the content of your site -- in this case, your mobile site. You'll earn money whenever visitors to your mobile site click on the ads they see.
For mobile websites, AdSense will automatically detect the type of phone viewing your site and deliver ads to match. For example, if someone views your site through an iPhone, we'll deliver ads specifically designed for high-end phones.
Please note that AdSense for mobile content ad units may be used in mobile websites only, not in mobile applications -- our policies don't permit placement of AdSense for mobile content ads in a mobile application. If you’re looking for an advertising solution for your mobile application, sign up for AdMob, Google’s leading mobile advertising display product.
Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011
AdSense Click Exchange : How to Cheat Google AdSense
Posted in Make Money Online
group.php?gid=30214756404&v=info called AdSense Secrets. Quickly got bored of FaceBook (didn’t make me any money) and never promoted the FaceBook group. It managed to generate about 800 members and at times had AdSense click exchange discussions, basically people trying to make easy money by getting others to click their AdSense ads (AKA fraudulent AdSense clicks), usually using free BlogSpot blogs.
I’ve never clicked my own AdSense ads on purpose (in 6 years of using AdSense I’ve accidentally clicked ads, but not often) or asked others to click my AdSense ads because I know Google AdSense exists to make money for Google and the people behind the Google AdSense program are working hard to stop publishers defrauding their advertisers out of their hard earned money.
Basically I know given time IF I clicked my own ads or arranged for others to click them I’d eventually get caught and my AdSense account would be banned and I’d no longer make thousands of dollars a year via AdSense.
Over the last couple of years I’ve occasionally taken a look at sites that have asked for fraudulent AdSense clicks in exchange for clicking others AdSense ads and have found there is a strong tendency for AdSense either to be no longer shown on the sites (suggesting the account was banned and the owner removed the ad code) or an error block shown where the AdSense ad should be (that happens when an AdSense publisher account is banned or a site is blocked from the AdSense program).
I haven’t performed statistical analysis on sites listed on AdSense click exchange groups, but I’d estimate over half of sites that are listed as looking to exchange AdSense clicks fraudulently are banned from the AdSense program within 6 months. Some sites are still showing AdSense ads a year on, so Google AdSense might not be doing as much as they could to catch the AdSense click fraudsters, but for me a 50% chance my Google AdSense account could be banned within 6 months is way too much of a risk for a program that’s made me over $75,000 since I joined the program in 2004.
When you login to your AdSense publisher account Google AdSense will know your IP address and will know you are clicking your own AdSense ads, also they will consider the impressions and clicks as invalid and you won’t get paid anyway.
Lets imagine you have a domain with AdSense and every day you login to your site through 10 random proxy servers, browse a dozen pages and click one AdSense ad. In a year you’ll generate 3,650 fraudulent clicks related to about 40,000 impressions and your clicks from proxy servers won’t generate a single sale for the AdWords advertisers.
This isn’t even large scale AdSense click fraud, at a relatively high $0.25 an AdSense click it’s only $900 a year, but you can see within a year you’ve left a serious footprint of your fraudulent AdSense click activity!
If done intelligently I could see this working, picture a family living in 5 properties, you persuade one member of each family to click one ad every day, you get around 1800 fraudulent AdSense clicks from real people in different locations (different IPs: would work better if all 5 are on ISPs that use dynamic IPs and none of them have their own AdSense accounts: see later under “AdSense Click Exchange Networks”.).
The problem with this (any AdSense click fraud) is scale, if I popped down to my local library once a day and clicked one ad, this would result in 365 AdSense clicks a year, would this throw up a red flag? Probably not, but 365 clicks a year isn’t exactly going to be worth the effort of visiting the library every day (at $0.25 a click it’s under $100 a year). Basically if it’s financially worthwhile putting the time into AdSense click fraud you are inevitably going to leave a footprint the very smart Google AdSense engineers are going to be able to spot and then ban you for.
I wouldn’t, there could be hundreds of other AdSense publishers using the same clickbot and one small mistake by the computer programmer who wrote the AdSense clickbot and you are all caught and banned!
The problem with this is you are trusting fraudsters to generate impressions and clicks without leaving a footprint the Google AdSense engineers can spot. As has been discussed above this isn’t that easy and running AdSense fraud as a business means large scale which inevitably leaves an even larger footprint which makes it even easier for Google AdSense to spot.
Do you trust total strangers to be intelligent when they click your ads?
Think about it, if they are fraudulently clicking your ads they are probably fraudulently clicking others AdSense ads as well, it’s not going to be difficult for Google AdSense to track AdSense publishers (like you) online AdSense click activity.
An AdSense publisher is on a static IP address or have a dynamic IP but regularly log in to their AdSense account. They have logged into their AdSense account with that IP which links any AdSense click activity to that person. They visit your website and click a few ads, go to another AdSense publishers website and click a few ads…
You are also on a static IP address or are on a dynamic IP, but regularly log into your AdSense account which links you to your AdSense account. You click the AdSense ads of an AdSense publisher that’s clicked your ads, then go to another AdSense publishers website and click their AdSense ads.
Hmm, back at AdSense HQ a pattern has emerged, we have three or more AdSense publishers clicking each others AdSense ads, but never buy a product or service. Can you see just how easy it is to be caught clicking others AdSense ads?
It’s the ONLY safe and LONG TERM way to make money from the Google AdSense program.
David Law
group.php?gid=30214756404&v=info called AdSense Secrets. Quickly got bored of FaceBook (didn’t make me any money) and never promoted the FaceBook group. It managed to generate about 800 members and at times had AdSense click exchange discussions, basically people trying to make easy money by getting others to click their AdSense ads (AKA fraudulent AdSense clicks), usually using free BlogSpot blogs.
I’ve never clicked my own AdSense ads on purpose (in 6 years of using AdSense I’ve accidentally clicked ads, but not often) or asked others to click my AdSense ads because I know Google AdSense exists to make money for Google and the people behind the Google AdSense program are working hard to stop publishers defrauding their advertisers out of their hard earned money.
Basically I know given time IF I clicked my own ads or arranged for others to click them I’d eventually get caught and my AdSense account would be banned and I’d no longer make thousands of dollars a year via AdSense.
Is it Safe to Join AdSense Click Exchange Groups to Cheat Google AdSense?
If you search in Google for “AdSense Click Exchange” or “AdSense Click Fraud” you will find various web pages offering to work with AdSense publishers to defraud the Google AdSense program. The current first listing for the search “AdSense Click Exchange” is a FaceBook page and the person who created the page was trying to get their AdSense ads on a BlogSpot blog clicked. When I checked the blog out (July 2010) the BlogSpot blog had been banned by Blogspot (which is owned by Google, that’s the same owner as AdSense you know
Over the last couple of years I’ve occasionally taken a look at sites that have asked for fraudulent AdSense clicks in exchange for clicking others AdSense ads and have found there is a strong tendency for AdSense either to be no longer shown on the sites (suggesting the account was banned and the owner removed the ad code) or an error block shown where the AdSense ad should be (that happens when an AdSense publisher account is banned or a site is blocked from the AdSense program).
I haven’t performed statistical analysis on sites listed on AdSense click exchange groups, but I’d estimate over half of sites that are listed as looking to exchange AdSense clicks fraudulently are banned from the AdSense program within 6 months. Some sites are still showing AdSense ads a year on, so Google AdSense might not be doing as much as they could to catch the AdSense click fraudsters, but for me a 50% chance my Google AdSense account could be banned within 6 months is way too much of a risk for a program that’s made me over $75,000 since I joined the program in 2004.
Ways to Cheat the Google AdSense Program
I do not advise trying any of these AdSense click fraud techniques, I would expect your AdSense account to be banned eventually.Click Your Own AdSense Ads
Well, if you’ve clicked your own AdSense ads you are an idiot, give up any hope of ever making money online, you are too stupid and shouldn’t even be allowed Internet access!When you login to your AdSense publisher account Google AdSense will know your IP address and will know you are clicking your own AdSense ads, also they will consider the impressions and clicks as invalid and you won’t get paid anyway.
Click Your Own AdSense Ads via Proxy Servers
You’ve done some research that you can hide your IP address etc… by using a proxy server. Technically speaking this could work, however I’m not a computer programmer, but even I know it’s not going to be rocket science to the Google AdSense engineers (those geeky computer programmers who live programming code) to compile proxy server lists and check for AdSense clicks from them and checkout AdSense publishers who’s ads get a fair number of AdSense clicks from proxy servers.Lets imagine you have a domain with AdSense and every day you login to your site through 10 random proxy servers, browse a dozen pages and click one AdSense ad. In a year you’ll generate 3,650 fraudulent clicks related to about 40,000 impressions and your clicks from proxy servers won’t generate a single sale for the AdWords advertisers.
This isn’t even large scale AdSense click fraud, at a relatively high $0.25 an AdSense click it’s only $900 a year, but you can see within a year you’ve left a serious footprint of your fraudulent AdSense click activity!
Ask Friends and Family to Click Your AdSense Ads
This is straight forward, you have a lot of friends/family and you persuade them to click your ads on a regular basis (though not family members using the same Internet connection you use!).If done intelligently I could see this working, picture a family living in 5 properties, you persuade one member of each family to click one ad every day, you get around 1800 fraudulent AdSense clicks from real people in different locations (different IPs: would work better if all 5 are on ISPs that use dynamic IPs and none of them have their own AdSense accounts: see later under “AdSense Click Exchange Networks”.).
The problem with this (any AdSense click fraud) is scale, if I popped down to my local library once a day and clicked one ad, this would result in 365 AdSense clicks a year, would this throw up a red flag? Probably not, but 365 clicks a year isn’t exactly going to be worth the effort of visiting the library every day (at $0.25 a click it’s under $100 a year). Basically if it’s financially worthwhile putting the time into AdSense click fraud you are inevitably going to leave a footprint the very smart Google AdSense engineers are going to be able to spot and then ban you for.
AdSense Clickbot
Software that clicks AdSense ads and generates impressions so it looks like you have a lot of visitors and some click ads. Do you trust a computer programmer to not leave a footprint from an AdSense clickbot program that fraudulently clicks ads that Google AdSense can’t find?I wouldn’t, there could be hundreds of other AdSense publishers using the same clickbot and one small mistake by the computer programmer who wrote the AdSense clickbot and you are all caught and banned!
Paid AdSense Click Cheats
Pay a group of people to visit your website and fraudulently click your AdSense ads. This is hiring people from economies where people will work for a dollar a day (India, Africa, Pakistan etc…) and have them generate X number of impressions and Y number of fraudulent clicks per month.The problem with this is you are trusting fraudsters to generate impressions and clicks without leaving a footprint the Google AdSense engineers can spot. As has been discussed above this isn’t that easy and running AdSense fraud as a business means large scale which inevitably leaves an even larger footprint which makes it even easier for Google AdSense to spot.
AdSense Click Exchange Networks
You find others looking to defraud the Google AdSense program and you click their AdSense ads and they click yours.Do you trust total strangers to be intelligent when they click your ads?
Think about it, if they are fraudulently clicking your ads they are probably fraudulently clicking others AdSense ads as well, it’s not going to be difficult for Google AdSense to track AdSense publishers (like you) online AdSense click activity.
An AdSense publisher is on a static IP address or have a dynamic IP but regularly log in to their AdSense account. They have logged into their AdSense account with that IP which links any AdSense click activity to that person. They visit your website and click a few ads, go to another AdSense publishers website and click a few ads…
You are also on a static IP address or are on a dynamic IP, but regularly log into your AdSense account which links you to your AdSense account. You click the AdSense ads of an AdSense publisher that’s clicked your ads, then go to another AdSense publishers website and click their AdSense ads.
Hmm, back at AdSense HQ a pattern has emerged, we have three or more AdSense publishers clicking each others AdSense ads, but never buy a product or service. Can you see just how easy it is to be caught clicking others AdSense ads?
How to Make Money with AdSense Ads
I’m afraid there’s no get rich quick schemes with the AdSense program. You build a website with content that generates traffic and some of that traffic clicks your AdSense ads, that’s it.It’s the ONLY safe and LONG TERM way to make money from the Google AdSense program.
David Law
Google Warns AdSense Publishers Against Tampering With Ads
Google has issued a stern warning to Web publishers that carry its ads after noticing that some of them are improperly altering ad formats, behavior and targeting.
These types of tampering not only violate the terms and conditions of the AdSense program but also often harm the efficacy of the ads, Google said on Friday in a blog post.
A common tampering practice involves placing AdSense ad code within an iframe, so that it can be displayed on another page, a practice Google forbids.
"Improperly iframed ads are a disservice to our advertisers since the ad itself can be obscured. Not only are they not viewable, these implementations can lead to accidental clicks if these hidden ads are placed in a location that users frequently click," wrote Cecelia Choi from the AdSense Policy team in the post.
A related improper use of AdSense ads is what Google calls "cross-domain iframing abuse," which allows sites to frame ads belonging to another site without the publisher's knowledge.
To make its policy clear in this respect, Google has modified the language in its AdSense policy related to this issue to read: "AdSense code may not be altered, nor may the standard behavior, targeting or delivery of ads be manipulated in any way that is not explicitly permitted by Google. This includes but is not limited to the following: clicking Google ads may not result in a new browser window being launched, nor may Google ads be placed in an iframe."
If a site requires the use of iframes for valid technical reasons, the publisher can request an authorized exception from Google. Otherwise, Google may cut off its ad serving connection to sites it finds misuing iframes with its ads.
By Juan Carlos Perez, IDG News
Rabu, 08 Juni 2011
While Tumblr tends to keep things minimal, sometimes you’re just dying to post a widget on your site that relates to what you discuss, or maybe you just want to share something with your readers.
The 20 widgets we’ve gathered below are not meant to be used en masse on Tumblr blogs, but one here or there might enhance what it is you’re trying to communicate to your readers. Why not share a podcast, photography, or maybe even a great work of art? With the right combination of Tumblr theme and widgets, you can maintain the platform’s minimalism and bring your readers more value at the same time.
What are some of your favorite widgets for Tumblr?
Kamis, 26 Mei 2011
Screenshoot of web 2.0 Death
When your normal “no special deal” adsense ads start running on your once great Web 2.0 website it’s time to quit. Everyone knows what happened to Digg over the past over the past year… and of course recently over the past few months Digg has been running adsense…. it’s not the custom branded adsense that Google provides to higher end sites. It’s the run of the mill, Google Branding adsense. The kind that you can find at any website.
In other words, the site completely lost it’s lustre.
It’s time to call it quits Digg, seriously it’s time to sell and redirect the domain name to something worth while.
The obituary for Digg would read as following:
Here stood a website that got in bed with Microsoft and caught an STD. There was no cure, because sponsored feeds, banning sites that were critical of the software company, were not above the table.
However the issue isn’t just focused on Digg. The issue overall is the entire “web 2.0″ concept.
Some of these companies are profitable and real, such as Facebook. Others however are… well…. still struggling with a business model.
The major criticism is that there is no such thing as Web 2.0 … calling these companies nothing more than just 1990′s startups using 2010′s technology. A common statement is “tell me the difference between Facebook Chat and ICQ” or “Online Social Networking was invented in 1995, I had a geocities page as well” and perhaps the most comical “Explain to me the difference between watching a Real Video Stream and watching a Youtube Stream”
Many of the arguments are valid.
What are your thoughts?
May 25, 2011
Rabu, 25 Mei 2011
Bacardi Campaign Brings It All Together
A new Bacardi campaign is bringing it all together, in more ways than one.
The "Bacardi Together" campaign features creative stressing that the rum brand is one of the great "inventions" that has served to bring people together over the course of history. In addition, the campaign brings together -- that is, integrates -- a variety of media and channels.
An anchor of the new campaign is a 30-second TV spot, "Inventions," from Young and Rubicam. The spot reviews human inventions over the centuries designed to help them get together -- including fire, the wheel and light -- leading up to: "... and over a century ago, we invented Bacardi, to bring it all together."
The commercial, which features Bacardi Superior Rum, the lead product in the brand's portfolio, was filmed by director Johnny Green in a variety of locations across Argentina, and features Funeral Party's "NYC Moves to the Sound of LA" as its theme track.
The spot will run in prime time on national cable networks throughout the summer on leading sports and entertainment networks, including ESPN, Spike, Comedy Central, FX, TBS and TNT.
Earlier this month, the brand launched outdoor and digital media executions of the "Bacardi Together" campaign in markets including New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Las Vegas, Dallas, Minneapolis and Chicago. These feature "Mixes well with others" messaging, reinforcing the theme of people socializing over a Bacardi cocktail.
In addition, the "together" theme extends to a new Facebook and social media platform, "Like It Live, Like It Together." Consumers who visit Bacardi's Facebook page and "like" the brand can cast their votes for their top "likes" and win tickets to attend two "amazing events" shaped by their "likes" input. The events will be held in New York City and Las Vegas on June 13 and 15, respectively.
The Facebook initiative, launched May 2, has already generated 160,000 new Bacardi Facebook fans, and the events are nearly at capacity, reports Billie Melnyk, senior brand manager, Bacardi rums. Fans' "likes" are "curating" the activities -- determining the talent, activities and food at the events, he says. For example, rappers Cee Lo Green and Kid Cudi will appear at the New York and Las Vegas events, respectively.Bacardi is now Facebook-posting updates on the details of the events as shaped by fans, and will video the events and post those on Facebook, as well -- "completing the loop," says Melnyk. "We've built a strong relationship with Facebook -- Bacardi's ability to bring people together fits perfectly with Facebook's social purpose," he adds.
The message that it's important to make time for personal, live socializing as well as connecting online is clearly at the core of Bacardi's theme. (A "Bacardi Together Manifesto" video created by the brand's global marketing team that's on YouTube -- an experiment with viral messaging -- stresses sometimes putting aside devices and harried work schedules to meet with friends.)
But Melynk points out that far from conveying an anti-technology message, Bacardi is employing technology as a "catalyst" and enabler of live get-togethers, by creating and promoting the live events through Facebook.
The campaign was designed to unify the brand's product portfolio, as well as consumers, by creating both live and online Bacardi get-together opportunities, summed up Toby Whitmoyer, VP, category managing director for Bacardi rums, in a release. The TV spot and other creative elements depict daily-life scenarios and moments of celebration over Bacardi -- known for its "spirit for life" and heritage -- to which people can readily relate, he noted.
"We've had great campaigns in the past, but this one really expresses Bacardi's core 'bringing people together' truth across all of the campaign's elements," adds Melnyk.
Senin, 23 Mei 2011
Be Your Own Boss Work at Home
By: Glenn McDonald
Many individuals are looking for great ways to earn money. One of the fastest growing trends is to work at home. Working at home is a fantastic way for mothers and fathers alike to work from home while being with the kids. Just as much, when one works at home, it can save a great deal of money on gas and other expenditures required to get to and from work every day.
While the Internet offers many work at home programs, people need to be cautious about the work at home programs that are available because not all work
at home programs are legit. Such fraudulent programs may include some of the following: stuffing envelopes, telecommuting with potential customers, and posting advertisements for various companies on the Internet.
Stuffing envelopes sounds like an easy work at home job. The companies that offer these services claim that their work at home employees earn an upwards
of $1.00 for every envelope that they stuff and send out. In often case, this is not true. Most of the envelope stuffing companies are not legit, as money must first be paid for a kit, and then an information kit is provided. Many people think that making money stuffing envelopes is a great way to earn money from home, when in fact, it truly isn't. These companies will often send people lists of names, sometimes including phone books from various cities. The worker must then try to send out envelope advertisements to
particular individuals. The workers will only get a percentage of the profits made from a sale. So the claim that thousands of dollars can be made in one week is simply not true with stuffing envelopes as a work at home job.
There are also companies that try to recruit workers by stating that they can call potential customers from their home. Just as the envelopes that are to be mailed out, many of the workers profits rely heavily on the sales that are made from potential customers. Long distance charges can apply when a work at home telecommuting job is in practice. Many people cannot afford the long distance bills that they will receive, and if any money is made from the calls, it will be not enough or just enough to pay for the long distance charges.
Other ways that companies try to profit from those that seek a work at home job are Internet companies. Some organizations claim that if you work for
them to help advertise their company, that you will be paid. The work may include sending out e-mails, as well as posting advertisements in chats and forums. This type of advertisement is often seen as spamming. When an advertisement is spammed, the Internet e-mail, message board and or chat server is notified. In turn, these servers will block any future advertisements that come from particular IP addresses. That being said, trying to earn money from posting advertisements is a very difficult way to work at home.
Individuals enjoy being able to work at home. With the right research, anyone can earn good money with a reputable company working from home. To work at home truly is a blessing for many people, and continues to be an ever popular trend among individuals today.
While the Internet offers many work at home programs, people need to be cautious about the work at home programs that are available because not all work
at home programs are legit. Such fraudulent programs may include some of the following: stuffing envelopes, telecommuting with potential customers, and posting advertisements for various companies on the Internet.
Stuffing envelopes sounds like an easy work at home job. The companies that offer these services claim that their work at home employees earn an upwards
of $1.00 for every envelope that they stuff and send out. In often case, this is not true. Most of the envelope stuffing companies are not legit, as money must first be paid for a kit, and then an information kit is provided. Many people think that making money stuffing envelopes is a great way to earn money from home, when in fact, it truly isn't. These companies will often send people lists of names, sometimes including phone books from various cities. The worker must then try to send out envelope advertisements to
particular individuals. The workers will only get a percentage of the profits made from a sale. So the claim that thousands of dollars can be made in one week is simply not true with stuffing envelopes as a work at home job.
There are also companies that try to recruit workers by stating that they can call potential customers from their home. Just as the envelopes that are to be mailed out, many of the workers profits rely heavily on the sales that are made from potential customers. Long distance charges can apply when a work at home telecommuting job is in practice. Many people cannot afford the long distance bills that they will receive, and if any money is made from the calls, it will be not enough or just enough to pay for the long distance charges.
Other ways that companies try to profit from those that seek a work at home job are Internet companies. Some organizations claim that if you work for
them to help advertise their company, that you will be paid. The work may include sending out e-mails, as well as posting advertisements in chats and forums. This type of advertisement is often seen as spamming. When an advertisement is spammed, the Internet e-mail, message board and or chat server is notified. In turn, these servers will block any future advertisements that come from particular IP addresses. That being said, trying to earn money from posting advertisements is a very difficult way to work at home.
Individuals enjoy being able to work at home. With the right research, anyone can earn good money with a reputable company working from home. To work at home truly is a blessing for many people, and continues to be an ever popular trend among individuals today.
Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011
Google says ad tools provided MN firms with $1B in sales
Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal - by Ed Stych, Web Producer
Date: Monday, May 16, 2011, 10:05pm CDTRelated:
Media & Marketing, Technology, Economic SnapshotRead more: Google says ad tools provided MN firms with $1B in sales | Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal
Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) used a formula to figure out how its AdWords and AdSense products helped businesses.
The Mountain View, Calif.-based company believes those tools conservatively provided $64 billion in economic activity across the nation last year, or an average of $1.28 billion per state.
The formula Google used for AdWords was a little complicated, but the company believes that for every dollar a business spends on AdWords, it receives an average of $8 in profit.
For states bordering Minnesota, Google said it provided $643 million in economic activity for 22,000 Wisconsin businesses, $130 million for 10,000 Iowa businesses, $28 million in economic activity for 2,000 South Dakota businesses, and $23 million for 2,000 North Dakota businesses.
Read more: Google says ad tools provided MN firms with $1B in sales | Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal
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